Sunday, 29 July 2012

Hereford to Winscombe

29 July 2102.  Sunny and showers, warm. 80 miles.

Rosie and Bill worked hard to provide us with breakfast at a rapid rate.  Rosie is possibly a relation of Jan, Fran and Dave’s, a Blanksby from Matlock in Derbyshire.  Her relations also moved to Melbourne in the past and a Blacksmith Blanksby was responsible for making Camberwell a dry suburb there!

Fran took a rest day today, Jan’s Tim picked her up and took her banger racing and met the world champion.  A great way to relax!  She joined us later….

Thanks to Fran for taking our bags, doing everyone's washing and making the day a whole heap easier on the rest of us.  This was meant to be a rest day! xoxoxo

As we were pedal ready, Dave noticed he had a puncture. 

Quickly fixed, Charlie, Jan and Dave took off into a sunny day (that’s the weather forecast, said Jan).  5 minutes down the hill, it rained, but we pressed on regardless.

The countryside around Hereford was beautiful, hops, apples, strawberries and corn, loverly views, some big climbs (and a great place to try Aunty Pauline's lovely slice, yum..):

We crossed over into Wales again where the place names are like weather forecasts.  Over the day we crossed in and out of Wales and England.

Monmouth was next for a bacon bitty, a coffee and the meeting of minds: Charlie met Charlie!

Well fed, we travelled downhill along the Wye valley, a lush tree lined canopy, dappled sunlight, a happy time for all.  Great cycling - fast, constant fun.  And then to the glorious Tintern Abbey sitting by the river bank.

To Chepstow, past the racecourse and onto the old Severn Bridge across both the Wye and the Severn Rivers.

We were making good progress, had a quick lunch stop (cheese sandwiches, crisps and more lovely cake) from before hitting the cycle route which skirted Bristol around Avonmouth and then over the Avon  Bridge. 

We tried to follow the cycle route signs but got lost several times and Dave got another puncture:

At last we were were helped by Julie, a cyclist who knew the way.  

Up hill, “that was a real ********” said Charlie at the top!  Then downhill, losing our way, but finally meeting up with Joe and Fran at Congresbury.  Yay, welcome back Fran!!!  And welcome to Joe (new alpha male/ fridge), who is joining us for the last 3 days (thanks for lending him Jane)…. Only 3 to go.

We headed back to Winscome on the Strawberry Line, the old railway line running through the Thatcher’s Coder Orchards.  Dave got his third puncture for the day…… Sorry, Chris, I must be torturing your bike :]

An emotional end to the ride as Jan and Tim celebrated their 18th Wedding Anniversary together along with Jack - Charlie and Andy were reunited - Jane and Joe and Oliver and Gabriel greeted us , and Anne and Hugh hosted us with a warm welcome and a glass of champagne!  

A lovely dinner at the pub followed (rain while we were inside…) and then Jane’s chocolate cake and after dinner drinks back at Anne and Hughs.  Night night!!

1 comment:

  1. Only 3 days to go, look at you guys eating up the miles. I'm sure the time passes by for us lot of couch potatoes much faster than for you but some lovely pictures as usual gives us the "illusion" it's esier than it must be. Back in the saddle Fran, the smell of the sea in your nostrils now. Love Sarra (still can't figure out how this account shows me with a real name. "I am not a a free man!!!!" I am now shouting at an inanimate object, I've lost it.)
